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Our Red group have been making music any way they can using their body percussions. Some interesting band names came up in play like Motley crew and Roaring Rah Rahs . The staff addded some instruments to the play and introduced some music to the program play and group time experiences.


Future PlanningWednesday 27th May – Thursday 4th June 2015

·        Writing own musical patterns :

Paper, black markers , lined paper cut out treble clef


·        Making instruments :

In inventing area add elastic bands, bells , sticks etc for making own instruments.


·        Water jars / different levels

Coloured notes and patterns


·        Music tree

Read book , Hang pots, pans


·        Read and play :

Down by the river: children to use body percussion to make the wrap for book. Discussing and making our own rap story


·        Hannah ( Student) to play her violin for children

·        Science ; see the vibration, rice on drum