Red Groups 1st Week

All children have been in now for their first official week of kinder. It can be very overwhelming at first for young children to come into a new rules and routines, new teachers, peers and a new space to navigate. Every child did a great job of following our 4/5 year old routine and interacting with many new children. Our program this fortnight is fairly basic initially as staff gather many observations to learn more about interests, knowledge and current levels of development.

The children came in half groups and as expected the interests were quite different each day. Our first half group were eager to do lots of hammering both inside and out using the real hammers and nails at the woodwork bench and using the small tap tap sets inside. Water play and using our keys and locks boards were also popular with this group of children. Our next half group were more physical outside with lots of rolling big heavy tyres, swinging and climbing. Inside was also a contrast with many of these children spending long periods of time making, creating in our inventing area.



Taking observations, sharing all staffs observations and documenting them helps us to plan a program that will use these interests to engage them and assist us to work towards the Victorian Early Years Learning and development outcomes in the 5 key areas.

  • Identity: Every child to have a strong sense of self
  • Community: Every child to be connected with and contribute to their world.
  • Wellbeing: Every child to have a strong sense of wellbeing
  • Learning: Every child to be a confident and involved learner
  • Communication: Every child to be an effective communicator



The children also spent some time with me reflecting on how they were feeling through drawing themselves and communicating all the things they really enjoying doing. These are proudly on display in our kinder room so please come in and have a read.

The half groups will come together in another weeks time and the combinations will see many things change. Looking forward to learning, planning and growing together


Nadine O’Brien